
program layout

This year, we like to put the focus with our workshop-topics to “everyday workflows” in your architectural practices. Productivity from start to end as a “how to do… this within your ArchiCAD environment” or “are there other practically ways for the same topic available…?” followed by dicussions within the attending group;

All in all we can call it: ‘ How to use your ArchiCAD environment in a more efficient way.’

Most of our delegates work in smaller or midsize practises and their needs are sometimes different than those from large ones. People within larger organisations may be more specialized. People in smaller pratices have to know a wider range of techniques for rollout. We like to cover this with our workshops and are curious about your shared experiences.

ACWS 2022

ArchiCAD Winterschool is back ! The ArchiCAD Users Event is happening again after a break at the Hochberghaus Grünau/Almtal. From Saturday 22nd to Saturday 29th 2022. More to come here soon.